Characteristics To Focus On When Shopping For A Kitchen Cabinet Irvine

Buying a kitchen cabinet in Irvine to use in an upcoming remodeling project should not be that hard if you know what to look for. On the market, you will come across all sorts of kitchen cabinets, some which are of high quality and others that are not. High quality kitchen cabinets should look stunning and provide easy to use, functional storage for at least 20 or 30 years. If you purchase low quality cabinets, then expect to experience a lot of problems with them sooner than this, including sagging, crooked doors, scratched and dented faces, deteriorating drawers, warping boxes and lose hinges. Some of these problems are not only because of a low quality kitchen cabinet Irvine materials, but also because of low quality construction.

If you want to shop smart and avoid the aforementioned kitchen cabinet Irvine problems, you need to look for the following characteristics of high quality, well-built kitchen cabinets. The first one is all-plywood construction. Most of the cabinets you will come across will be made of either plywood or particleboard. The strongest kitchen cabinets have full plywood backs and sides in order to stay square during delivery and installation, resist damage from moisture and handle the weight of heavy countertops. While those that are made of particleboard are cheaper, they are vulnerable to damage from moisture and crushing, and they are also difficult to repair.

Another thing you will need to look for when choosing a kitchen cabinet Irvine is full-height back panels. Cabinet back construction definitely affects the strengths as well as ease of installation. The strongest kitchen cabinets are constructed from heavy, full plywood and have a full-back panel. If you are shopping for cheaper cabinets, they will probably have thin panels, bracket rails and metal hang rails and picture-frame construction. The problem with weak back panels is that they can result into falling cabinets. So make sure that you choose plywood back construction if you want to keep the kitchen cabinets strong and true in your kitchen.

For more tips on how to shop for a kitchen cabinet Irvine, visit our website at


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